A Comeback

- 10 mins read
Important note So this was originally written in August of 2023, I am now coming back to this around Feb of 2024 with an entire different outlook on life, school, programming, and many more things. I will still keep this around, but I will also include my current reaction to things at certain parts. What happened? Well, I’m finally back guys. As you guys currently see, at first I actually was going to make a video about this, but I then decided that I may not be able to do that.

School, Projects, and Me

- 16 mins read
Please Read before going on Okay, so I know this is really late, this is a really old blog post that I had promised years ago, fuck almost 2 years ago damn. Apologies for that, life really got in the way. This blog here has a lot of issues, spelling mistakes, weird formatting and more. Please overlook that as it gets better with the future ones. This is also me from a entire different state of mind.

New things, stuff, and more

- 13 mins read
Well, Happy New Years everyone! When I was first writing this, it was a bit early, around the time New Years happened, this has gone under a ton of revisions and more. Anyways, welcome back to the blog, and yes the website has been updated, at least a tiny bit, I tried my best to find the best thing that looked nice, at first I was starting to try and use all of the Premade Github Pages theme(since thats how this website is hosted) and after like 2 days, I decided to go a different route.

A Whole New Beginning

- 4 mins read
Woah, its been a crazy couple months hasn’t it, at least for this website. Now If you don’t all ready see, this site has gone under some big changes, #1 is that the entire site has some form of a blog selection screen, bad thing is, it kind of looks ugly. This is going to be fixed soon, but since i’m working on a new project(will be mentioned later on in here) it may be a while before it comes, also trying to find a theme that works good with how this is, and also just looks nice is kind of hard to find.

First Post

- 1 min read
What is this and What is it going to be used for At the moment, I am still trying to figure it out, also what to use to really build this website. I really don’t know HTML, JS, CSS (Tried it once before, didn’t like it) I’m hoping to build this in WASM since I know that. Yeah, like you saw at the start, this page has more stuff coming, please wait and stay tuned, i’m working very hard for the next release.